06 January 2010

First of 2010

Today marked my first workout of 2010. It was easier than I thought it might be, given the week-long break I gave myself to hang out with friends and ring in the New Year. Total workout time was just over an hour, and though I probably could have pushed myself a bit harder, I also didn't want to make my body repel the gym tomorrow.

Total workout time: 1hr, 4 mins

Spin bike, 32 minutes. Mostly just riding, though I varied the road quite a bit. Some jumps, and some climbs. It was the first time I've been in my Sidi's in a while, and man did it feel good. The best part of the ride was definitely the accidental Whitney Houston back-to-back songs: first I'm Every Woman, followed by Million Dollar Bill. Total rockstar.

Elliptical, 32 minutes. I kept the resistance at either 7 or 8, and definitely climbed some hills. Low moment: during the sprint at the end, my iPod cord got caught on the moving handles, which clearly then shot my iPod out of its holder and onto the ground. iPod was saved, embarrassment was not.

Overall, not a bad workout, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

1 comment:

JScribe said...

I just signed up for an 8k in March Drewcl. I swear, I'll stop being a bad influence now. :) you are doing a great job, btw.