25 December 2009

It Shouldn't Be This Hard

... but it is. I think that's the hardest part about these days at the gym. They just prove how out of shape I've let myself become. The half-hour I spend on the treadmill is a helluva a lot harder than it was a year ago at this point. I just have to keep telling myself that it'll get easier. With every workout, it'll get easier.

Today's was short, and late (9:30-10pm). Traveling in MN at a hotel... not the best workout conditions. But at least I did it.

Treadmill, 30 minutes.
Mostly jogging, some sprints, some walking uphill. 10 Minutes specifically walking uphill backwards. Was probably more difficult than it should have been. And my legs will FEEL it tomorrow.

Small bit of stretching afterward... perhaps 5ish minutes. Need to work on that part. It's never been a strength of mine.

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