29 December 2009

Steve's Strength Ride

I managed to make it to the gym today after all, to Steve's spin class. Turns out it was a strength ride, meaning it was a light warm up, roughly 35 minutes of straight climb (steadily increasing resistance/road), and a short cool-down. Though it was painful to get through, I kept thinking that I'd like LA Fitness even more if it had instructors like the Centre Club.

Spin Bike, 43 minutes.
Mid to Hard road. Short cool down and stretch.
Song that got me through it: Feelin' Alright, Joe Cocker

In other news, those awesome shoes are actually 185.00, NOT 130.00.

I went to the Nike store today at Woodfield Mall and tried on a pair - they feel awesome. I'm not entirely sure though, that I can justify spending so much money on a pair of shoes. This Tri will not be cheap for me in the first place with the gear that I actually need to purchase (full body wet suit and appropriate swim accessories, bike tune up, and more than likely some upgrades) and I'm not sure I feel comfortable spending so much on running shoes just because I like them (admittedly a lot.) We shall see.

27 December 2009

Backseat View

With much of the day spent reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix while stuck in the backseat of my parent's Saturn Vue, there is no real time to head to the gym before it closes. The drive back from MN was relatively uneventful, beyond the twists and turns of H. Potter, that is.

I am nervous that tomorrow will be just as difficult, as KTB will be arriving early in the morning, and I doubt I'll have access to a car to get to the gym and back before she arrives.

26 December 2009

Involuntary Break

No workout for a Drew today. Instead, I spent the day catching up with various family members here in MN. It made for a super busy day, but it was well worth it to catch up with these guys. The combination of coming "home" to the hotel at 9:45pm and the prospect of leaving at 7am tomorrow morning made the decision for me: today is my day off.

Hopefully we'll get back tomorrow in time for at least a small workout.

I gotta find the routine. I know it's in there somewhere.

(And yes, I was right about the sore factor. Crawling out of the sofa pull-out bed this morning was not a pleasant sight.)

25 December 2009

It Shouldn't Be This Hard

... but it is. I think that's the hardest part about these days at the gym. They just prove how out of shape I've let myself become. The half-hour I spend on the treadmill is a helluva a lot harder than it was a year ago at this point. I just have to keep telling myself that it'll get easier. With every workout, it'll get easier.

Today's was short, and late (9:30-10pm). Traveling in MN at a hotel... not the best workout conditions. But at least I did it.

Treadmill, 30 minutes.
Mostly jogging, some sprints, some walking uphill. 10 Minutes specifically walking uphill backwards. Was probably more difficult than it should have been. And my legs will FEEL it tomorrow.

Small bit of stretching afterward... perhaps 5ish minutes. Need to work on that part. It's never been a strength of mine.

24 December 2009

Entry One

Today while I was heaving one foot in front of the other on the treadmill, I thought it may be helpful for me to set up this blog. It's mainly for my own benefit, mostly a reminder that I need to train. So as my Dad just yelled up, "munch time," I'll cut to the chase.

Treadmill, 25 minutes. Some sprints, mostly "ja-walking."
(ja-walking: half jogging, half walking.)
Face factor: bright red.
Breath factor: pretty much out.

Stationary Bike, 20 minutes. Moderate road. Moderate pace.
Face factor: pinkish
Breath factor: normal

Stretching, 10 minutes.